Bumper Crop

 Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!

I know, I know, I know, it's been a while but we're back and ready to show you all of the fabulous things that have been going on at the awesome DMS. 

As reflected in the title of this week's post, it really is a bumper edition so find somewhere comfortable to sit, snuggle down and (hopefully) enjoy this week's offering.


As I was passing through the Year Five Corridor (my spiritual home), my attention was diverted to what could only be described as a cacophony of laughter seeping from Room 1 - 5CWT's spiritual home. The sight that greeted me made me turn right round, find a camera and take pictures to show you my discovery.

WARNING! The following pictures were taken during a genuine Science Lesson...

I can't begin to tell you how much fun the children in 5CWT were having. The 'Science Talk' was impressive to say the least.
Well done 5CWT!

Space Youth Project

Last week, we welcomed Mel and Zeph from this fabulous charity, for the first of two assemblies. Our Blog Squadder Annabel reported on this important visit.  

Hello all ! 

This week the Blog Squad was incredibly privileged to interview Mel Lane, who talked to us about diversity within our school. Mel educates children and young people about the LGBTQIA+ community and encourages schools to create more accepting environments. Some of her advice on how to make students feel more safe at school includes making sure that we continue to talk about the queer community with respect . It's also important to have posters and flyers around the school promoting gender and sexuality diversity. 

Mel works for the amazing Space Youth Project charity, which we sponsored during Children's Mental Health Week. I am hopeful that this is the start of DMS becoming even more diverse and accepting towards all students, and thank you so much to Mel for coming to do the interview and assembly, it was incredible to hear your opinion on how we can improve our school. 

A total of £420 was raised for this great charity and we have plans in the pipeline to increase this amount. Once we have finalised a date, we will let you know.

Worth a Mention Children

The boards are updated every week so I really need to make sure that you are kept up to date as well.

Huge congratulations to the following Year Five children who were recently featured on the Worth a Mention Boards.


Huge congratulations to you all.

Red Nose Day

I love Red Nose Day and this year was no exception. It was impressive to see how the children interpreted 'substitute parts of your uniform for something red'. when you look at the following pictures, I think you will agree with me when I say that the originality seen around the school was second to none.

I will let you know how much we raised as soon as I get the final total.

When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Not only was it Red Nose Day on the 17th March, it was also St Patrick's Day. Our very own Ms Pluck is incredibly proud to be Irish as you can see by the pictures below.

I tried to combine St Patrick's Day and Red Nose Day and ended up resembling the Welsh flag!

Celebration Assembly

No matter how many assemblies I lead, I still get incredibly nervous before them! However, this Friday there really was no need as we had the most lovely and supportive audience known to humankind!

It was a great assembly and such a joy to celebrate all of the children's successes.

I want to say a massive 'thank you' to the Year Five Team who were so incredibly supportive throughout the whole process and did a blinding job of making sure that the Achievement Points were totalled so that stripes could be awarded.

We are already looking into dates for the Summer Term.

Disco Inferno

Last Saturday, Mrs Wilson and I went off to Makro in order to buy all the goodies that we needed for the Disco.

We were very proud of our stash. Mrs Wilson was a whizz around Makro - she knew exactly what needed to be done and nailed it in record time!

A few days later, sweet bags had been constructed and all the goodies were delivered to school all ready to sell to the excited children waiting to enter the eagerly awaited Disco.

It was a cracking evening and I hope that the children enjoyed themselves as much as we did.

A HUGE 'thank you' to everyone that helped on the night, especially the brilliant PTFA who organised it.

We will endeavour to book another disco for next term - watch this space!

Busy Bees

The followuing words are from our very own Mr Roberts:

Year 6 Bee (High 5 Netball) Tournament 

SW Dorset Schools

Tuesday 21st March 2023 

Congratulations to all Year 6 Netballers who succeeded in lifting the fittingly large SW Netball Title today.

The tournament culminated with a final against Dorchester rivals-St Osmunds.

The result was 6-2 to DMS.

Thanks goes to Miss Woodley and Mr Heaton for their invaluable contribution.

Staff Wellness and Happiness Group (SWaHG)

Every half term, the DMS SWaHG meet to have a good old chat about all things to do with well being.

Our rather over-due meeting took place off site and we were able to make plans which is always exciting at the best of times. We have eight members of staff on SWaHG and one day, one day we will all get together and what a great occasion this will be.

Is there a Nurse in the house?

Nurse Pounds has been recruited by Dr Ray and she is doing a cracking job.

Her triaging skills are second to none - thank you Nurse Pounds!

Sophia's Report

This week Mrs Sprules took a group of pupils to Thomas Hardy's to take part in a collaborative writing competition.  We worked with children from year 12 and first schools.  You had to call it ' A day where I was not me' and base it on a book character who woke up a different one.  For example, the character could go to bed as Harry Potter and wake up as the Tiger who came to tea.  

Everyone had a great time.  

Next term...

Here is what on next term as far as Sports Clubs are concerned:

Which clubs are you going to sign up for?
I have be recruited to help at the Running Club on Tuesday mornings. 
I know exactly where I will be at the back!

Well, that's it for this week. It was quite an epic wasn't it? Hopefully, you are feeling informed and up to date with all the fabulous things that go on at DMS.

Have a good week everyone! 

Mrs Ray and the Blog Squad

(Mrs Ray had an extremely busy weekend including volunteering at Blandford's Parkrun as a Park Walker and then took part  in the Trust 10km at Studland with her friend Nina, bumping into the lovely Kaye Chittenden who was, until recently, at Thomas Hardye School).


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