Time flies when you are enjoying yourself!

 Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!

Every week is a busy week at DMS but the last two have been no exception as you will see. The absolute highlight for Year Five was our trip to Stonehenge. More of that later.

I cannot believe that we are coming to the end of our first half term of the academic year - it really has flown by hasn't it?

So, without further a do, let's see what's been going on in the wonderful world of DMS...

Open Morning

Last Thursday, we opened the doors for parents/carers of Year 4 children for our School at Work morning. It was lovely to see familiar faces as well as new ones. Our prefects did a marvellous job and were very polite when I had a chat with the parents even though I was putting them way behind schedule!

To date, we have had three very successful open school events. The last one will be on Tuesday 14th November 9.30am - 11am.

Stonehenge Trip

On Friday 6th October, the Year Five children went on their first school trip. In our History lessons, we have been looking at Stonehenge and The Great Pyramid of Giza as they were built during the same time in history, 2500BC. We have been comparing how and why they were built which has been fascinating. 

Here are a few of our pictures from this glorious day...

How lucky are we that we can actually visit one of the places we are studying? I did ask about the possibility of a field trip to The Great Pyramid of Giza but the response I got (deathly silence) gave me the predictable answer.

Well, if you don't ask and all that?

Year Five's next adventure will be the New Barn Field Centre at Bradford Peverell at the end of March. Parents of our Year Five children will receiving more information after half term.

Cerebal Palsy Awareness Day

On Friday 6th October, the school acknowledged World Cerebal Palsy Awareness Day. The children were asked to wear something green to mark this day.

Cerebal Palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood (over 17 million people live with this disability) yet it is one of the least understood disabilities.  The vision of World Cerebal Palsy Day is to ensure that children and adults with CP have the same rights and opportunities as anyone else in society.

Even though we were at Stonehenge, a few of our Year Five children managed to wear something green which was impressive to say the least.

World Mental Health Day

Talking of wearing a different colour, we embraced World Mental Health Day by substituting an item of our uniform for something yellow.

Well DMS, you didn't disappoint - what a clever bunch you are! The originality that was demonstrated was nothing short of genius.

Now, I have a question to ask on behalf of Ant and Dec...

Did you do your homework?
I do so hope that you did.


We had an incredibly productive meeting on Tuesday night. As mentioned in Ms Pluck's weekly letter, we have a new committee as well as a few new members. 

I cannot begin to thank everyone who has been involved with our PTFA but I would like to say a specific 'Thank You' to Matt Hirst for being an excellent Chair (and stand in Treasurer). Matt was instrumental in re-establishing the PTFA after the Pandemic and spearheaded many of the successful events that have taken place over the last 18 months.

Our next meeting is on Monday 16th October at 7pm at The Duchess of Cornwall. Everyone will be extremely welcome!


For those of you who have read this Blog before, you will know that I am desperately trying to get to 100 Parkruns by the end of the year and, at the moment, all is going to plan. 

Last weekend, my friend Ruth reached her 200th at Blandford - it was a real honour to be there.

This weekend, I journeyed to Dorchester to take part in The Great Field's 100th Parkrun. I was there for the first one so I just had to be there for their significant event.

The joy of going to Dorchester is seeing so many familiar faces before, during and after the run.

My Runblandford Buddies Karen and Nina came along too.

The lovely Tom who started DMS at the same time as me!

A few of our fabulous parents!

Centre of attention? Moi?

It was a very successful morning. It was my 7th Parkrun at The Great Fields and I came away with a course PB. I'll take that. 

I am now on 97 Parkruns. I'll be back in Dorchester for my 99th and then will do my 100th at Blandford. I'll let you know when it is in case you would like to join me.


Every fortnight, the Year Five children meet up with their Year Eight Buddies. I thought it would be nice to share a few pictures of what this looks like so you can visualise it.

Our Year Eight Buddies are super role models for our youngest children and they enjoy seeing their Buddies as much as they enjoy seeing them.

Reading, reading everywhere!

Mrs James is our Reading Lead and she is doing a cracking job!
This week, for homework, the children in Key Stage Two children will be asked to complete the task below:


It looks like a lot of fun.

I can't wait to see what you have read.

Talking of what you are reading, here is an exclusive peek at the badges that Mrs James has ordered for the teachers.

I will look forward to making this a very welcome addition to my lanyard.

Thank you Mrs James for making reading such a priority. It is so important and the more its profile is raised the better as far as I am concerned.

Worth a Mention Children

I've been trying to catch up with all the wonderful children who have been on the Worth a Mention Boards in the last fortnight and the following pictures are what I could find in the Year Five and Six corridors.

Year Five

Year Six
Huge apologies for the poor quality pictures but I was using a camera that I clearly need to suss out!

Blog Squad

I am delighted to announce the return of the infamous Blog Squad. A HUGE 'Thank You' to Jess and Lottie for giving up their lunchtime on Friday.

Here is what Jess wrote:

On the 5th October, we wore green because it was Cerebal Palsy Awareness Day. Then, on the 10th October we wore yellow to represent World Mental Health Day.

These last couple of weeks, all the Year Sixes have settled in and the clubs have started. The clubs are mainly sports clubs and run after school with the exception of Running Club on a Tuesday morning before school. In Running Club all the students meet at the main school gate and run to and from Maiden Castle. 

Another club that has got started is Drama Club! This club is held on a Thursday after school in the Drama Hall. This is the first time DMS has run a Drama Club since 2019. They performed The Lion King, which is why there is a mural in the Drama Hall. It was painted by Mrs Whiting, Mr Haigh and some talented students.

Non Uniform Day

This Friday, in exchange for £1, children are permitted to wear their own clothes for the day.

We will be raising funds for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Our assemblies this week will be hosting representatives of this incredible service. 

Personally, my family are extremely grateful to the Air Ambulance as, eighteen months ago, we needed them and they were there for us. I dread to think what the outcome would have been if they were not available.

Please remember that although it is a non-uniform day, clothing still needs to be appropriate for school.

Well, that's it for this time. I'm sorry that it was so epic in length (again!) but it just goes to show that there is so much going on at DMS. I have to say, this is just the tip of the iceberg! 

Have a good week and I'll see you back here soon for the next instalment.

Mrs Ray

(who was extremely honoured to attend the Charity Angels UK event at Dorset Museum on Thursday night. Over £5000 was raised for the charity Against Breast Cancer. My school friend Amanda was one of the models so me and my other school friends came along to support her and this incredible cause.)


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